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'Your Memorable Times at Good ol' West End High'

Updated  02/13/25     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here


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Reunion 2001 Details

OH, WHAT A NIGHT!  2001 Reunion Photos
If you attended the Reunion 2001 party, then you already know what a grand time we all had visiting with 561 old friends again!  The Club, overlooking Birmingham from atop Red Mountain on a beautiful clear cool night, was the perfect setting for our reunion event.  Our party room was decorated in blue & orange (what else?).  The DJ played oldies while long lost friends met, hugged & shook hands again, many for the first time in 40 years!  Early in the evening, classmates were grouped by year so it was easier to find old friends.  Even Abba Dabba showed up (in the form of a beautiful ice carving)!  Classmates then joined the reunion committee to sing our own version of "My Favorite Things".  As the evening progressed, the dance floor came alive with some hoppin' & a boppin' (wouldn't our kids hoot to see this!).  When the night of fun finally ended, friends hugged & said goodbyes, vowing not to lose touch again!  Oh, what a night!

AN UNFORGETTABLE TOUR!  2001 School Tour Photos
The tour of West End High School was not a reserved event, we had no idea what to expect.  We thought maybe 50 or so classmates would show up, wander the halls & head out.  Boy, were we wrong!  Between 10:30-11am, roughly 300 people showed up to see dear ol' West End High,  maybe for the last time!  The oldest student to come was an aunt of Nancy & Sylvia Whitlow who graduated in 1939 (she met her husband at WEHS).  That's 62 years ago!  And to top it off, a couple that graduated in 1942 (they met & kissed for the first time in the halls of WEHS) showed up to see their old school again!  We all gathered in the auditorium as Mr. Elbert Morrow, the principal, told us a little about WEHS today & led us in the singing of our Alma Mater, which is still sung at West End High!  Mr. Morrow kicked off our tour by opening some classrooms, then turned us loose to roam the halls, visit some of our old classrooms, the gym, band room & lunch room.  For those of you that didn't come because you feared to see our Alma Mater in rundown condition, surprise!  The school has changed very little.  It is very well kept . . . the halls, auditorium, lunch room, classrooms & gym are the same as when we attended 40 years ago!  At 12 o'clock, Mr. Morrow rang the bell & some of us almost headed for our classrooms!  After the tour, we informed Mr. Morrow that our classes of 1959-1963 were donating $500 to the school to be used for any purpose they see fit.  Mr. Morrow asked us to thank everyone for this generous donation.

Two events took place Friday night & were well attended by classmates.  70+ classmates that attended West End Baptist Church met & had a great evening visiting with old friends.  70 to 80 classmates also met at Charlie Mac's Lounge for an evening of dancing & fun with their West End friends again!

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Updated  02/13/25     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here

 Online February 2001     By Cliff Walker     Copyright© 2001