West End Online
'Your Memorable Times at Good ol' West End High'

Updated  04/27/24     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here


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1959    1960

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1959    1960

1961    1962

 1963   Other


West End Girls

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Friends Now

Our Alma Mater



Friends Now - Page 1

We know you'll enjoy seeing what your classmates look like these daysPhotos on first 2 pages were taken since 2010. Photos on subsequent pages were taken prior to 2010.

Mary Memory with husband, Steven Deffeback, & Family '63

(In yellow) - Joe Meek '59, Geri Coate (Meek) '63


Pat Patterson, Harold Copus, Jack Hulon, John Carpenter


   Continue to Friends Now - Page 2,
click here


Updated  04/27/24     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here

 Online February 2001     By Cliff Walker     Copyright© 2001