West End Online
'Your Memorable Times at Good ol' West End High'

Updated  02/13/25     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here


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Memory Lane - Page 1

This page lists some of the memorable places we went (and things we
did) back in the '50s & early '60s. Send us any that we may have
left out. Be sure to check out the photos on the following three pages.


Photos of West End High Prior to 2009 Demolition

WEH School Tour 2001    WEHS School Tour 2005

Alabama Avenue drag races
Alabama State Fair, sneaking in
Alabama Theater TeenTown
Alley's All-Night Drug Store
Alpha Delta Phi sorority
Band bus rides to football games
Bayview bridge ghost stories
Benny Carl's Circle Six Ranch
Berney Points Drugs cherry coke
Big-9 dances at Boutwell
Bob Sykes BBQ
Boom Boom Room at Eastwood
Bowen's Drugs root beer float
Branch 9 in CP, delivering papers
Burger in a Hurry
B-Y Teens with Ms. Baughan
Cahaba River swimming
Candy Kitchen

Calico Corner at the YWCA

Cascade Plunge
Classes in the WEHS basement
Central Park Airport
Central Park Community Center
Central Park Creosote Plant
Central Park Library
Central Park Theater
Charlie's Hamburgers
Chemistry class explosions
Constantine's lemon pies
Constantine's time trials
Crumley's BBQ

Dale's Cellar
Dancing on Ms. Baughan's desk
Delta Phi Delta sororityy
Donna Jean Candies
Double LL Bar-b-que
Drive-in Movie #1
Duke's in Dixieland
East Lake Swimming Pool
Ed Salem's Drive-in
Ensley Armory sock hops
Fair Park Drive-in Theater
Five Points West, hanging around
Fred Sington Sporting Goods
Freddy's Watch Shop
Football locker room smell
Friendly 8 Barber's best flat top
Frosty Top Root Beer
Girls blue gym suits
Grayson Spinning Wheel tutti frutti
Hall "okeh"
Harrison Park dances, Ms. Coggins
Hay rides
Herring's Drug Store malts
Hobbs Drug Store lime rickeys
Holiday Beach
Hot tamale cart vendors downtown
Howard Johnson's on 3rd Avenue
Joy Young's downtown
Kiddie Land rides, Laff in the Dark
King's bowl pickup sandlot football
Krispy Kreme at Five Points West
Latin book burning ceremony
Leadouts at dances
Legion Field decorating goal posts

Levy's department store
Lowe's Skating Rink
Luau Polynesian food
Marsh Bakery

Miller's Drive-In corn dogs
Morning watch
Mr. Baughan's bicycle
Mr. Baughan's drills after school
Ms. Ezell policing the halls
Ms. Montgomery's corner dances
No air conditioning at WEHS
Officer Love improper muffler tickets
One Stop Eat Shop
Panama City Beach & bop
Parking at airport, watching planes
Parking at Altamont, fire tower
Parking at Green Springs
Parking at Vulcan
Parisian teen boards, fashion show
Paul's Drive-in
Pep rallies
Pete's Famous Hot Dogs
Pharo's pool hall
Pineview Lake
Piper's Ice Cream
Postal Zones
Prom gowns, hooped skirts
Putt Putt on 3rd Avenue
Radio off air at 12m, back on 6am
Ratting freshmen
Rickwood Field
Rocco & Cheater Speed Shop
Rumore's Record Rack
Safety patrol
School trolley tickets
Shades Crest switchback road
Skipping classes
Sky Castle at Five Points West
Sock hops in the gym
Sorority galloping breakfasts
Sorority leadouts
Speeding ticket collections
Spivey's store
Shannon drag racing
Sports at the triangles in CP
ST (State) phone exchange
Stock car races, sitting in trees
Teen Club
The Hollow
The Pepperettes
Trolleys, Buses to downtown
Valley Creek (aka Village Creek)
Vulcan red and green torch lamp

Walking alleys & tracks to school
Weaver Drugs banana splits
WELION gossip columns
WE Library, Ms. Selman. Ms. White
WEHS cafeteria, working there
West End Theater
Western Auto at Five Points West
Whirlers Sorority
Woodward Park softball field
Woodward swimming pool
Start Your Memory Lane Photo Tour - Click Here.


Updated  02/13/25     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here

 Online February 2001     By Cliff Walker     Copyright© 2001