ATCHISON - My best WEHS memories
are of Coach Roy and Ms Shelburne. They told me how good I could be as
opposed to how bad I was. Both are gone now but I remember both of them
fondly each day!

BAILEY - Started trying to figure out what year I graduated..'64?
Surely not, that is almost 40 years ago, that can't be right! Now I'm depressed. Went from WEHS to AL College, married Joan Cromer from Mobile '67. Worked
in Birmingham for the Juvenile Court and Mercy Home for 2 years, got drafted, joined
the USAF at the last possible second. Flew a desk for 4 years. Daughter Nicole born in '70. Tulane slipped up and let me in and we lived
in New Orleans for 2 years. Masters in Social Work. Moved to SD and
worked in a community mental health center 4 years. Moved to Chattanooga,
worked at State Mental Hospital in Adolescent Unit. Joan finished her
Masters at about that time and teaches special education. Moved to N. GA
and for l5 years have lived next door to Rock City, where I am a School Social
Worker. Can retire in 3 years. Nicole is married and teaches English in
Houston. She tells me I will be a grandfather in November. Whew! Now
I need a nap! UPDATE:
I retired in 2005 from School Social Work, wife Joan (of 40 years) retired at
the same time. Only child Nicole continues to live near Houston. Twin
grandchildren, Emma and Bailey, just turned 5.
are spending lots of time between our little FL cabin and children in Houston. Still trying to sell our house and acre of land in Chattanooga. Know anyone who
would like to live on Lookout Mtn near Rock City?
update...sold that house in Chattanooga three years ago. Now half time in
Houston, a mile from 10 year old grandtwin girls, and half time in Steinhatchee
Fl. Life rocks on. Sad to hear of the death of good friend Joe Bakes.

After graduation, I spent 3 years at the U of Alabama. I left 'Bama in '66 to
join the Air Force, spent the next 4 years growing up, then returned to 'Bama in
'70, graduating with a BS in Education in '71. From '71 to '00, I played in
sales. I retired last May to become a house husband, my wife's boy toy, and to
pursue my life long passion of fishing. I've been married for 27 years to
my wonderful wife, Karen, and we have 2 sweet daughters. Our oldest, Stephanie
(The Goose) is 24, graduated from BAMA with a degree in accounting. For the
last 2 years she has worked here in Chattanooga as an accountant and assistant
controller. My baby daughter, Stacey (The Princess), is 22, married, and is a
registered nurse. For the last year she has worked in the Mother-Baby unit of a
local hospital. Looking forward to grandkids, but for now I will settle for
fishing 5 or 6 days a week. My favorite memories are sports and girls!

married Walter Garrett and we recently celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. We both graduated from B’ham Southern. I am presently Director of Human
Resources with Christian and Small Law firm, having gone back to work after the
kids were older. We have 3 children: Scott is 33 and works with
International Wines; Jason, a field engineer with Nextel, is 30 and with his
wife Tammy, has 2 sons, Zac 3 and Hunter 9 mo. Our 3rd child, Katy, is 19
and an all-star volleyball player and presently on athletic scholarship at the U
of West AL, where she will be a Jr in Sept. Walter has worked for the
B’ham Park and Recreation Board for 33 years (taught school for a year) and ran
Legion Field most of that time. We both are contemplating retirement, but no
rash moves yet.

graduation, I took attended Florence State College (Now U of North AL). I
left after 2 years and joined the Army Reserve. I returned after 6 months
training and attended Athens College, graduating in '70 with a BS in Education. I taught school for 3 years in
Birmingham, then sold insurance for 2 years. Got
married and returned to active duty for the Army Reserve in '76 retiring in '96
as a Master Sgt. I went back to school, attending UAB receiving a Masters
Degree in Education in '99. During my active duty days I traveled all over
the US, Central America and Caribbean. Now I am enjoying my retirement.
JACK BERDEAUX - I left school in '60 to join
the USAF (guess it was that restless soul of mine), got my GED in '61, and
worked the intelligence section in cryptographics. Upon leaving the AF, I
started a photo typesetting business with a partner in TX. Later I sold my
interest and moved to AZ. Completed a program in electronics and computer
controls from DeVry in '72. Graduated from AZ State U in '75 with a degree
in Business Administration on the GI Bill for Vietnam Era Veterans. Took a
Masters in '79 and completed a doctorate in '84. While in AZ, I worked in
engineering as a machine designer and as a math teacher for the Phoenix Union HS
District for 6 years before moving to Alaska, where I homesteaded until '96 (a
whole history of adventures in itself). Then we moved to Michigan so I
could attend law school. I have worked in the legal and computer fields
since. In '85, I married a wonderful person, Tammy, and we have 4 children
together. 2 girls 5 and 8. 2 boys 10 and 12. I have 2 children from a previous
marriage, a daughter 35, who lives in Long Island with my 2 granddaughters, and
a son 33, that lives in Arizona.
I remember
running around with Jack Hulon, Bill and John Cantrell, Buster Patterson, Jim
Roberts and too many others to list here. Playing kick-the-can with
neighborhood kids, even in high school, on warm summer nights with the Holly
kids, Jack Hulon, Sandra Barker, her brother and and many others. I
remember dates with some of those lovely ladies at WEHS, in particular Charlcie
Lively, whom I also considered a good buddy, as brief as our relationship was
due to my leaving for the AF. Thanks to WE Online, we have had an email
reunion, as with others, from those by-gone days. I also remember the
football games, running track, Alabama – Auburn games at
Legion Field and just a real care free life back then!
TERRY BICE - Just a little note about the last years since walking
the "hallowed halls" of WEHS. I was in the Marines and served in Viet Nam
in '66 and '67. In '69 I married Ann Snider (Phillips) and we are still
married (31 years). Our daughter Jennifer graduated with a Masters Degree
from U of Alabama. "Roll Tide!" I have been in sales all these
years, for the last 17 years as South Reg Sales Mgr for Ridg-U-Rak, a steel
storage rack manufacturer in Erie Pa. My territory includes 5 SE states so I
stay on the road and in the air quite a bit.

I married a man from Pinson, AL just before
completing summer school and we moved to Marietta GA. We had 3 children,
LuAnn (38), Jill (36) and Emory (33), then moved to Powder Springs, GA where we
lived for 15 years. Divorced in '85 and moved to Temple GA. Remarried to a wonderful man, Bill Wise, in '86. I was a stay at home
mother for several years until all the kids were in school, then went to work as
a church secretary for several different churches in the area, one right after
the other. Have also had several other jobs. Am now working for a local
insurance agency as receptionist. Bill is a retired truck driver and is now
working part-time. My children have done very well. Both daughters
live in Douglasville GA. LuAnn is married with 2 girls, Kristen (15) and
Jennifer (12). She is a computer programmer for Coca-Cola. Jill is married
with 2 girls and a boy, Vicki (14), Jamie (12) and Olivia (5). She is a stay at
home mom after working as accountant for several companies. Emory is not
married and lives in Houston. He is going to school while working and studying
Korean to be a missionary in Korea. He has been to Singapore as a missionary
and China as an English teacher. I have several hobbies such as ceramics
painting and sewing, but my favorites are motorcycling and camping. I have a
Yamaha V-Star 1100 and pull a trailer with all the kitchen stuff in it. Bill
and I are active in the Gold Wind Road Rider's Assn, Retreads and Women on
Wheels. I would love to hear from you out there and find out what you are
doing now.

H. 'Bill' Burkett, PhD) - I served
10 years in the U.S. Coast Guard as a QM1 Quartermaster, then 10 years at sea
commanding 3 off-shore seismic ships for Teledyne Exploration. That was followed
by several years as a Minister of Music in Houston, Tx. area churches. I
eventually earned my B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD in Computer Science. I have been a
Professor and Department Head of Computer Sciences for Capella University in
Minneapolis for a number of years. I am currently semi-retired from Capella,
only teaching 6 courses now. I am also an International Chair for ABET Computer
Science Accreditation. I have visited over 30+ islands and 35+ countries between
leisure and business trips. I love to travel! I am currently headed to Saudi
Arabia this December. We live in S. Florida and spend a portion of the summer
traveling in our RV. I would love to hear from you on Facebook, if you have the
time. I still sing and play a bunch of instruments at church functions.

twin brother Bob also deceased)
I Joined
the USN after graduation. My wife, Judith, and
I have 3 children.
Daughter Terri is a CO in our new prison here. Daughter Tracey is
assistant to the dean of Eastern Arizona Community College. A son, Eric. Another son, Brian, was killed by a train when he was 12. No
grandchildren, but twin nephews and a niece we consider as close as
grandchildren. I work for SparTec, a plastic company.
I have lived in Ohio for 27 years and would like to hear from classmates of
WEHS. I had a twin brother, Robert Carter, who passed away. My 2
sisters, Warrene and Susan, also Graduated from WEHS. My nick name was
"pinky" because my mom washed my football uniform and turned it pink!

Currently living in Omaha, NE. I am an Associate Professor and teach in the Physical Therapy Program at
Creighton U.

Married a girl from Ensley (forgive me). Have 2 sons. Attended tech school after graduation, ending with 2 year
degree in Industrial Electronics. Employed with SCI in Huntsville, then
with UAB in Clinical Pathology for 5 years, where I taught basic electronics to
the med tech students. Also did repairs on the lab equipment and set up
courses for the Clinical Pathology interns and lab directors. Went from
there to USS/USX in Fairfield, where I have been for 29 years. After
reliving all this, I should feel old, but I don’t. It’s fun to think back!

Graduated St. Vincent School of Nursing in '67. Married high school
sweetheart Lee Stricklin in '64. We spent '65-'66 in Germany compliments
of the US Army. We moved to Hoover in '77 where we presently live. I
returned to college for a BS degree in Allied Health (Healthcare Admin). Have been employed at Medical Center East since '82 as Dir of Quality Review
programs. Lee received his BS in Criminal Justice and retired from the
Hoover Police Dept as Lt Commander of Technical Services in '00. We have 2
daughters, Kerrie and Kim, both are married. We have a 5 year old
granddaughter (Kerrie's) and a new grandson (Kim's). Both live close by. I have been a career mom since nursing school and am looking forward to retiring
in a few years and doing NOTHING of any significance.

So many great memories of growing up in West End. Those were "Happy Days". After
WEHS graduation preparing to attend University of Alabama, married Lanny
Gardner. Attended Jefferson State Jr College for awhile. Being a high achiever
much credit to the wonderful WEHS teachers. Thank God, my Mom made me take steno
and typing. Worked as Alabama Gas secretary and after 6 years had a son,
Brent. In 1970, moved to Montgomery and 17 months later had a daughter,
Wendy. Again, being a high achiever, accepted a position with IBM Corp in
Montgomery. Taking a leave of absence after 5 yrs to follow Lanny as he climbed
the corporate ladder. In 1977, we moved to Salina, KS... a tiny speck of a town
that I felt was the end of the world. The old saying..."Bloom where you are
planted". We jumped right into community volunteering, hospital, church, grade
school, Brownies, Den Mother, Community Theatre, golf, tennis to name a
few. Becoming very active in the community, we made wonderful lifetime
friends. Then opportunity called Lanny and we relocated to Wichita, KS where we
had a great life raising our children in small town America. I returned to IBM
Corp. in Wichita and retired with 28 yrs (Corp downsizing). This gave me an
opportunity to do what I had always wanted to do. Operated my own interior
design and furniture business becoming my 24/7 for the next 12 years. After
9/11, moved to Dallas, TX to be near grandchildren. All the plans of moving to
Destin was not God's plan. We have a home in Corinth, Texas just north of
Dallas near Lake Lewisville where we enjoy boating. We have been blessed with 2
beautiful grandchildren (boy and girl). My son still lives in Wichita and my
daughter, is RN in Dallas so I help with grand kids a lot. The reunion times
were always at peak business times but hope to attend in future. Thank you for
all the work you guys have put into this web site. Thank you for all the

worked at the Jefferson Co Health Dept from '63-'94 and retired to draw my
pension. Since that time, I have done some temporary work at the Birmingham
Museum of Art during the Chinese exhibit. I have lived in Birmingham all my
life and have worked for a real estate management company, engineers,
construction consultants and now 2 days a week with a landscape architect. I have a booth of collectibles and stuff at Gardendale Antique and Flea Mall
(stop by if you are in the area). I volunteer at The Children's Hospital,
Children's Harbor Family Center and Birmingham Museum of Art. My brother,
Charles Theim, WEHS '51, was in the USAF 4 years and graduated from the U of
Alabama in '60. He has 3 daughters and six grandchildren. The triplets will be
7 this year. The other three are 11, 4 and 11 months. They are the joy of
our lives. Even though I am their aunt/great aunt, they consider me their
second mom some of the time and I love it. I also enjoy keeping up with
West End classmates!

FREEMAN - John and I have been married 35 years in Aug. We have 2
married children. Mark is 31 and Heather is 29. Heather is married to Brad
Durham, 4 years this June. They haven't given us grandchildren yet - John and I
are ready, however, to be grandparents!! Mark and Nikki married this past Dec
and just moved into their new home. John is Vice President of Engineering at
American Cast Iron Pipe and I have an Interior Design Company, Liz Woods

Married to Jenny Ethridge, ’63 class. Retired from the USAF in '88 in Ft Walton Beach FL and have worked for various
companies in this area since. Now with Motorola as a computer network

Married Mary Jo, Hueytown '65. Have 2
daughters, Andrea and Amy, and 2 granddaughters. Taught math at West End
for a year, Phillips for 3 years, Pleasant Grove for 24 years with various jobs
since retiring at United Labs, Thrifty Car Rental and Fisher

I married Jo Ann Beckman
while in college. We recently celebrated our 35th Wedding anniversary. Jo Ann and I both graduated from B’ham-Southern. We have 3 children: Scott
is 33 and works with International Wines; Jason, a field engineer for Nextel, is
30 and with his wife Tammy, has 2 sons,-Zac 3 and Hunter 9 mo. Our 3rd
child, Katy, is 19 and an all-star volleyball player and presently on athletic
scholarship at the U of West AL, where she will be a Jr in Sept. I have
worked for the B’ham Park and Recreation Board for 33 years (taught school for a
year) and have run Legion Field most of that time. Jo Ann is Dir of Human
Resources with Christian and Small Law Firm. We both are contemplating
retirement, but no rash moves yet.

I'm married to David Cook and we have a daughter, Jill. Many of you will remember Juanita Culberson, our former classmate. The day of
graduation, her family moved to Portland OR. David and I went to Portland
and visited her March 2001. We all had a great time! Just a note: Coach Billy
Mitchell has become Dr William Mitchell, a noted educator and author.
He was
co-author of a Bantam book published in 1985, "The Power of Positive Students." At the
time the book was written, he was Supt of Schools in Allegany County MD. He has come back here to speak of his POPS program. 3 things I still find
funny today were indirectly involved with science. 1) Watching Mr Merchant
rolling the skeleton from classroom to classroom always made me smile. 2)
I was in Coach Mitchell's class one day when he asked, "Have any of you ever
been shocked when you slid across the seat of the car?" Hands shot up all over
the class. He said, "Stay on your side of the car!" 3) I believe I was in
a history class when some science students came in to share with us some fried
grasshoppers and chocolate covered ants from a deli. 3 in our class tried
them. A short time later, all 3 jumped up holding their mouths and ran out
of the room!
I was
supposed to graduate in 1963, but English held be back my senior year. Went to
Glenn at night and finished up 6 month before the 1964 class. Went to work and
attended Howard University, but I was already in the Naval Reserve so went the
Vietnam mess started I was called to active duty. Attended Medical Corpsman
Training (several ) and was sent to sea, home ported in San Diego, Ca. After
discharge attended UAB for X-Ray and Nuclear Medicine Training. Birmingham
Southern for Computer Science, currently working for Baptist Health System in
their I/S Division. Married to Sheila , I have 3 sons.

HODGES - Before graduating, I started working for the telephone
company in Birmingham. I worked there for 28 years and retired in 1991. Since my
husband, George Starcher, retired in 1994 from the same company we have been
able to travel and enjoy lots of leisure time. We have no children, but George
has a son from a former marriage and we have a daughter-in-law and 2 granddogs.
A couple of highlights from our travels have been cruises to the South Pacific
and Alaska. In 2004 we purchased a motor home and traveled out west. In 2005 we
started spending the winters in Yuma, Arizona. In 2010 we put our townhouse in
Birmingham up for sale. In 2011 we put a house on the
lot we had purchased in Yuma. Our house in Birmingham also
sold in We are now permanent residents of Yuma. I have enjoyed the
reunions I have attended. I am disappointed that we have been unable to locate
one of my best friends from school, Ann Gary. Hopefully one of the days we will
get lucky.

JACKSON - Graduated from Judson College. Taught HS English in
Ohio, then spent 5 years in KY completing a Master's degree. Have been in
GA since '73. Now live in Atlanta. Married in '76 and have 1 son,
Harold, who is about to graduate and head to NYC to seek fame and fortune in the
film industry. I have more than 30 years experience in the field of aging,
currently working for the State of GA doing research for new funding, write
grants and work on quality teams, etc.
I started WEHS in the 10th grade and remember that several key friendships were
made in the transfer students' home room that year. Fun teacher memories
are of Ms "Rooten Tooten" Wooten reading "Bells, Bells ...." and of Mr/Ms Baughm
for Chemistry/History respectively. Also had special fondness for Ms
Sophia Davis, the choral teacher, who died of cancer during my HS days.

2019 - First of
all a special shout out to Cliff for putting this site together and his efforts
in keeping us connected. This is a real gift, thanks Cliff. Visiting the web
site is a trip down memory lane. After high school graduation, I did not marry
an Alabama fella, even though he has since been converted to sweet tea, turnip
greens, grits and cornbread. My sweet husband, Ron Simmons is from Illinois.
Initially we were military and then worked for the Federal Government. Between
college, a couple of grad schools for each of us, the military and our jobs, we
moved often and lived in many different places. All of these experiences suited
us just fine. We love being steeped in new places, cultures and people. Our last
state of residence was Virginia; we lived and worked in the DC metro area, for a
number of years. We have three children two boys and one girl. The oldest son we
left in Florida with our last transfer. He married a Florida girl and settled
there to raise his family. My second oldest also a son settled in Leesburg, VA
with his wife and children. They were close to Ron and I at the time since we
were in Manassas, VA. Social Service has been my
career both within and outside of the United States. While we were in Virginia,
I worked for the state as an administrator in the Foster Care and Adoption area.
My husband continued his career in aviation research in Washington, DC. We made
the decision to take early retirement from the stress of both of our jobs and
our long traffic laden commutes. This created the problem of defining what we
wanted in retirement so we could select where to plant ourselves. We knew wanted
to stay close to at least some of our grandchildren but needed desperately to
get out of the crazy traffic in the DC Metro area. During this time of
reflection, my daughter, our youngest, moved to Chester County, PA with her
family due to work. Our initial search began in Maryland, Delaware and southern
Pennsylvania. We spent a number of weekends exploring each area. We knew we
wanted to have seasons, all four of them. We also wanted small town living as
well as a bit of land. We found our current home with about nine acres and fell
in love. Our home is 5 miles from the Mason Dixon line
so my southern roots find that tolerable. It is a lovely area. We live in the
village of Glenville and have a post office and convenience store but no red
light; yes indeed it totally fits the small town living criteria. The closest
town is Hanover (snack capital of the world) but get
to Gettysburg area often since it is only 35 minutes away. As part of our twenty
year plan, we decided to spend our retirement learning how to take care of an
orchard. We put in some trees, low and behold they all lived and the rest is
history, we are learning how to take care of a small orchard. Of course this
state as well as this part of the country is so steeped in history frequent
exploratory trips occur for us since we are also big history buffs. Family is a
big thing, who knew being grandparents was such pure joy. Our journey has been
full of all the ups and downs everyone experiences but filled with precious
memories and so much fun. We are active, happy, healthy and very blessed.

I have great
memories of walking the halls with Abba Dabba and was greatly influenced by Ms
Castleberry and Ms Gaillard. After graduation I went to Samford. In “65,
Ron Duncan and I married and left for U of TN,
then LSU. Ron joined the F.B.I. and we soon settled outside Washington, DC for
20 years. Raising 2 boys was a full time blessing for me and included scouts,
sports, church… well, you know! I made time for my art which sold enough to keep
me motivated. Eventually, I worked as church secretary (thanks to Ms Snell) for
several churches. In ’92, we “retired” to Tucson,
AZ and entered yet another phase of life: the boys’ college graduations,
their marriages, careers, moves, and (the best!) the arrival of
grandchildren. In ‘95, I completed my college degree
in Counseling Psychology and worked in social work for several years. Ron’s
continued work in various positions in Tucson has funded our travels to foreign
lands and cross-country jaunts to be with our grandkids. Kirk’s family is in
Raleigh, NC where he is Director of Project Management for CB
Richard Ellis. Alec is 12 and Miranda is
8. Keith and his family live a mile from us in Tucson where he is a Real Estate
Broker. Matthew is 8 and Madison is 6.

Attended Ida Moffett
School of Nursing in Birmingham for 2 years. Married John Key in '65. John was a Lt. in USAF stationed in Biloxi MS. He left the AF to pursue a
career in engineering. He graduated from Auburn in '62 prior to entering
USAF. We went to Atlanta with Shell Oil, then to Carolinas. I
finished nursing school, graduated from Presbyterian Hosp School of Nursing in
'76 and went to work in ICU/CCU, my specialty, for the next 30 years. We
moved to Chicago in 77 and shoveled a lot of snow for 13 years. Then to
Houston for 8 years (a nurse can always get a job). John took early
retirement and we located nearer family, a first in over 30 years. We
chose Gadsden near Noccalula Falls. Have lived in big cities with high cost of
living all these years, so this is quiet small town USA. and we can pursue
our love of canoeing, hiking, fishing and go to recreation and family within a
few hours. We volunteer a lot, do church, became certified master
gardeners for AL (the one thing I wanted to do). John drags me along on
the rest! I saved the best for last. Our daughter Lisa and husband
Ron and granddaughters Rayna 6 and Tori 4 moved to Gadsden 2 years ago and
bought a house 3 blocks from us. We spend lots of time teaching, playing
and loving these little girls! Lisa teaches Spanish at Emma Sansom HS and
is pursuing her Masters at UA extension in Gadsden. Ron works for Phillips
Electric. I maintain an active nurses license, go to seminars for
continuing ed and hang out at Little River or our home garden. John and I
are healthy and have had 35 years together.

After graduation, I attended Massey Business College graduating with the
secretarial award. I married Ron Kelton in '65. I was a stay at home mom and
loved every bit of it. We have 2 children and 5 grandchildren with another on
the way. We raised our family in Pleasant Grove AL. We attended
Cottage Hill Baptist Church where I taught 4 year olds in Sunday School for
about 20 years. We now live in Moundville AL. We built a home next door to my
parents. I am now the secretary at Moundville Baptist Church. I have been
active in Girl Scouts for years and years.
JUDY McDONALD - Upon graduation I attended U of Montevallo and
graduated with a Business degree. I later went to UAB and completed work
on a degree in accounting. I worked for the Jefferson Co Health Dept as a
statistician until '75. By that time I had married and my husband's job
took us to Florence AL area and then Chattanooga TN. After we divorced, I
stayed on and consider Chattanooga my home. In '87 I passed the CPA exam
and now am a Tax Supervisor with TN Dept of Revenue. We have a new home on
Signal Mountain that has been under construction for the past year and a half. I have served as my own contractor so it has been quite an experience. I
remember taking a bookkeeping class under Ms Shell and how that started my
interest in accounting. When I went to college I began in secretarial
science, but discovered early on that accounting was the field I wanted and I
credit my experience in Ms Shell's class for this. At the time I made the
change (I might add much to the disapproval of my counselor) to a business major
there was one other female in the business program. My, how times have
After graduation I attended
MS State where I graduated in '69 and was promptly drafted. I was sent to Viet
Nam as an MP, where I'm sure I set records as the Army's worst MP. After that,
I got my Master's Degree at U of New Orleans and got married. I worked at U of
Southern MS from '75-'79. My twin daughters Megan and Jessica were born there. In '79 we moved to Richmond KY where I've been a TV Producer at Eastern KY Univ
until the present time. It's interesting work. I work on a lot of law
enforcement, juvenile justice and corrections grants for the University
producing video tapes, satellite teleconferences and CD-ROM's. My daughters are
22, living in Chicago. I'm now single. |