Reunion Picnic 2002 - Page 1
Oak Mountain State Park was the perfect setting for our WEHS 2002 Picnic.
About 100 classmates enjoyed a day of fun & a barbeque lunch. It was
lightly overcast with a breeze off the lake. A perfect day for old
friends to meet & catch up on their lives! We know you'll enjoy these
photos. Most of the attendees are pictured (we apologize to those of
you we missed). Please help us identify those ? you recognize.
E-mail us & identify by page, row, left/right.

LEFT: Elizabeth
Hayes, Bobbie & Steve Osburne, Carson Southard, Gail Southard, ?, ?
RIGHT: Billy Starling, Jerry Keith (Margaret Wright's husband), Mike
Stapp, Billie Jo Ulmer, Ronnie Saltsman.

LEFT: Ronnie Saltsman, Kaye Tyler, Deahdra Tyler, Gail Southard,
Carson Southard, Beth Thomas, wife of Jerry Thomas.
Jackie Kirk, Joe Shortnacy (friend of Roma),
Roma Neal, Shirley Elliott & husband, Paul Martin.

LEFT: Linda Bryan,
Emily Fredrichsen, Anita Hall, Jean Cowan, Kay Ballard.
Elizabeth Hayes, Virginia Hayes, Roma Neal,
Jackie Kirk, Jean Linn, Paul Martin, Shirley Elliott, Cliff Walker. |