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'Your Memorable Times at Good ol' West End High'

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Reunion 2001 Comments

We thought you'd like to read some of the emails we received from your classmates after Reunion 2001 weekend. We had a great time!

The only problem I had with the Reunion is that time ran out too quickly!  When I saw the photos & read the notes of thanks, I realized how few people I actually got to see & speak with. Jean, Jack & I really had a wonderful time & having all of our classes there was even more special.  Thanks to the committee members for the untold hours spent on preparing an evening which unfolded into now cherished memories.  I only wish all of  our classmates could have attended.  Next time my mother wants to come!

The reunion was magic . . . the reunion committee (in true Magic City fashion) worked some magic of its own -- it turned back time.  The years melted away with the WEHS tour & the greeting of warmly remembered classmates both at WEHS and, later, at The Club.  Amazing -- so much has changed for us all across 40 years yet in so many ways we've changed so little.  Those youthful WEHS faces still shine through despite whatever changes time has brought.  Maybe the true magic lies in our shared WE roots where our oasis of simplicity & innocence grounded us with life lessons that allow our "inner child" to stay vibrant.  It was a marvelous revisit of a joyful time in our lives & I was elated by the chance to speak with so many of you.  My husband adds his thanks for the joy everyone brought with their welcome hellos.  So CHEERS! to the magicians (the hard-working reunion committee, which includes big sis Nancy) for a memory-making day!

This was a very special night for me.  Unlike most of you, I didn't have the excitement that all of you seemed to have had for the reunion.  I had lost my brother Phillip this year.  I kept telling myself that I had move on away from West End & that I really didn't think I wanted to go especially since this was a multi-class affair.  My mother & I ate lunch with Donnie Walker in Montgomery one day this summer & it was a really special time for her as well as me to reconnect with our friend from Central Park.  He & Phillip had been buddies since first grade.  I made my reservations & again wasn't sure that I wanted to attend.  About a week before the reunion, I felt myself getting excited & actually looking forward to the reunion.  It was one of the most special times I have ever had with old friends.  I'm so glad I didn't miss it.  The tour of the school was an unexpected treat!  There were some rather gray-headed 'boys" beating on the back of the seats during the Alma Mater - just like 40 years go.  I even saw some trying to run in the halls.  The fun & fellowship that night will always be a cherished memory to me.  I really would have missed out on a special night with you all if I hadn't come.  Thanks to everyone who spoke so kindly about Phillip.  We'll always miss that off beat sense of humor.  No matter how far we travel in this life we all were shaped by our experiences at West End High & for this we need to be truly thankful.  God bless us all.  See ya'll at the next reunion!

It has been such fun to email friends that I have not seen in 30-40 years, & to my surprise, still live in Birmingham.  Today 9 of us met at O'Charley's in wildwood & had lunch:  Jan Patterson, Carole Turner, Margaret Wilson. Judy Morris, Margaret Brett, Vivian Howard, Gloria SALTSMAN, Carolyn Cash & me.  Oh what fun to be a teenager again!  We are going to meet again in 2 weeks & try to add more friends to our group.  I was also thrilled to get in touch with my cousin that married Don Cain.  They live in Louisiana & I  had lost contact with her for a very long time & now we email every day!

How can we ever thank the committee E-N-O-U-G-H!!  The Web Site has brought so  many of us together & built a bridge over miles & time - memories that will always stand.  It was so much fun even before our "BIG EVENT" to communicate with fellow friends & classmates (even those who were unable to attend) & helped make the reunion a place where we could PICK UP & not just CATCH UP on the past & present events in our lives.  Walt & I certainly enjoyed seeing everyone & are really looking forward our next time to renew friendships & make new memories. 

I had a great experience this morning on my way to church.  We have off site parking for church with a bus shuttle to & from services.  Bob had to go early so I came late to the second service.  I sat down on the bus & this lady came and sat beside me.  I had seen her singing in the choir during the last ten years & thought she looked familiar, but our paths never crossed until today.  I introduced myself & she said, "I'm Judy Beard." (she was Judy Campbell back then).  I said," I know you. You went to West End Baptist Church & WEHS."  I then introduced myself again as Brenda Mitchell.  Well, she almost fell out of her seat.  She had not been notified of the reunion, although she has lived in the same house for 26 years, which is within 2 miles of me.  I wish this had happened a month ago so she could have come to the reunion, but we know where she is now so she'll be on the list next time!

We want to thanks to everyone on the reunion committee for all of their hard work in the planning & preparation of Reunion 2001.  We appreciate the wonderful web site & can't begin to even describe the fun we had at the tour and reunion on Saturday.  And, of course, we're looking forward to the future events in 2002 and 2003!

It is Saturday night, Oct. 20th & we are sitting in the bedroom floor playing with our computer & trying to figure out how to work all this stuff.  It is amazing how email literate our old friends seem to be & we refuse to be left behind.  It may take all night, but we want all of you West End folks out there in computer land to know what a really great time we had at the reunion.  It was wonderful seeing everyone & finding out what was going on with all of us.  After I got over seeing all the "old folks" going in & wondering why I was at an old people's party, I really began to get into the swing of things & we just enjoyed ourselves so much.  The only thing not perfect was the pain in my old feet.  My brain said I was 18 again but my feet didn't agree.  Tommy managed to get around to all his old girlfriends & Judy got to hug her old boyfriends, too.  It was great!  Thanks to the committee for all their hard work & we look forward to joining in the next events.  West End folks are the best.  They are so much fun, so good looking & just all around good people.  See you all soon.

I would also like to add my thanks to the committee for a job well done.  I know a lot of hard work went into making such a wonderful evening.  My husband missed a great evening & he has heard about what a wonderful time I had.  For some, time has stood still - for most, time has marched right along & for those no longer with us, time was cut too short.  We all had a great life in school but sometimes it takes time to make us appreciate those things in the past.  I guess as we grow older people & events in the past grow more precious.  Looking back through the resume I am reminded of all the people I did not get to speak to & I really regret that.  Where did the evening go?  I was practically the last one out the door.  I must say the location was wonderful but I didn't even get to stand out on the deck & see the beautiful lights of the city.  I can't wait for the next event at the State Park.  What a wonderful idea!  Someone is really on the ball.  Again, my heartfelt thanks for bringing back old memories & making new ones, for after all life is just memories!  I look forward to seeing everyone again real soon.  God Bless you all & GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Jerry & I had a wonderful time seeing & being seen.  I wish we could have stayed longer.  Having grown up in West End was one of the most wonderful times of my life, & the reunion reminded me of that.  I have known many of the people at the reunion all of my life but lost track of over the years.  I cannot believe how good it was to see them all again!  I just wish those who missed could have been there to share the fun.  Thanks to the committee.  Precious memories were rekindled & new ones were made & it is a special joy to linger in them.  God bless America & thank you Lord for WEHS.    Thanks to one & all!

WOW!  It was great seeing everyone again.....I don't know how it happened, but I missed seeing so many people - they were there, I just didn't see them.  How did I miss some of you?  I walked around the entire time I was there, never sat down, never ate.  It was wonderful!  Kearney enjoyed it also.  I honestly think he knew as many of my classmates as I did.  Again, the reunion committee is to be congratulated.  They could not have improved on anything.  Thanks to everyone involved!

I want to add my kudos for the reunion committees who worked so hard & to a great web site.  It certainly was a week-end to remember.  The excitement was so high I did not want it to end!  Can't wait for the next get-together.  It is wonderful to be able to correspond by email with so many friends.  It seems that though the years have gone by those valued friendships we made transcend those years & we are able to pick up just where we left off when we left school.  It's great to have friends for that long.  They are the best. Once again, thanks to all responsible for making it such a great week-end!

What a wonderful night!  My thanks to the reunion committee.  It was such fun going back to WEHS & walking the halls one more time.  The trip back to Birmingham was worth the drive.  John had heard me speak of West End High School & my years there many times.  On October 6th, he had the chance to meet some of the people who were important to me during my growing up years.  He enjoyed the evening as much as I did!  Thank you so much for helping to bring us all together!

You will never know how much enjoyment the reunion meant to me & my husband.  I had attended several of his reunions in Ashland, WI, & met his friends so it was his turn to meet my friends.  He had as much fun as I did & the committee deserve much credit for the success of the event!

I want to thank you for a wonderful evening last Saturday.  You all did a great job with this reunion!  I have really enjoyed the site & the opportunity to contact old friends!

To the Reunion Committee, my thanks to each of you for your hard work.  It really paid off in a way that I'll remember for a long time.  I never imagined I would enjoy seeing old friends as much as I did, or that I would see as many as I did --- & that most of them remembered me.  I especially liked the loose structure of the evening, meaning no long introductions, speeches, presentations.  It was fun just eating, dancing & milling around finding & talking to friends.  Thanks again & I can't wait til next time!

I am sure the committee will be receiving a hundred of these messages, but please know how much I appreciate all the hard work on the reunion.  In light of September 11th, it seems more important to retrace roots since that incident occurred.  I enjoyed myself immensely & am delighted to reconnect with old friends!

We had a blast at the reunion!  Thanks for all your hard work.  What y'all accomplished was outstanding.  I know I didn't get around to visiting with everyone but it was great visiting with the ones I did.  I am looking forward to the next reunion.  At our age the shorter in between  time the better!

What a wonderful night everyone had.  I can not tell you how much the whole weekend meant to me & my sister, Sylvia.  Everyone was great.  I have never seen so much love for our fellow friends in such a positive way.  Every one of you mean the world to me & I hope I can speak to each of you (the committee) in the next few weeks.  I don't know about you all but my feet hurt & I can not wait until next time.  Thanks to everyone for such a fabulous week end!

Words cannot adequately express what a grand time everyone had.  The 25th & 30th reunions were great, but last Saturday night was the best yet!  Each committee member is to be congratulated for faithfully attending the meetings & ironing out all the kinks to make it a very successful event for everyone to enjoy.  There were so many who had never attended a WEHS reunion before.  To have the opportunity to talk with Rusty Fulbright, Rosemary Young, Shirley Elliott, Ruth Waters, Jeff Webb, Riley Wallace, Ronnie Wallace, John Cosby, Barbara Crawford, Tommy White, Don Doswell & many more for the first time since I left West End in 1960 was WONDERFUL!  Thank you all for making all this possible!

Just had to send my thanks for all the hard work that the committee put in to make the Reunion such a wonderful event.  I am so glad that this line is open & that other events are in the planning.  You all truly did a wonderful job!

Thanks, just thanks.  Nuff said!

I want to thank the committee for "A JOB WELL DONE".  Wasn't everything GREAT!!  I'm still playing it all over in my  mind & still enjoying it all.  I wonder how many did as we did after the school tour.  We drove ALL around West End seeing our old  house, grammar school, parks, library, church, friend's homes, etc.  It was sad in a way....but oh what memories it brought back.  Can't wait for the next reunion...maybe I will have calmed down enough to really get to visit & talk to friends.  Again thanks for a wonderful weekend!!

The Reunion activities could not have been more enjoyable. Just wish it could have lasted 24 hours more. I have talked with so many who attended since the event, either by phone or email and everyone agrees it could not have been better and there were no disappointments. Everyone was so friendly, just like one big happy family. I just hated for it to end. Don Walker and I stayed so long we almost had to turn the lights out. We really look forward to the next get-together & can't begin to thank the committee for all the hard work put into this function. Three cheers for the WEHS Reunion Committee!

The reunion was a terrific event & all the work & planning by the old grads was greatly appreciated.  Please express my thanks to all those that worked so hard to make the night a success.  It was utterly delightful!  As an interesting aside, as my wife & I went back to our hotel & I took my coat off, much to my surprise I found the picture on my badge was of the other Jerry Thomas (big Jerry), also a 1959 graduate.  The badges were handed to me with my wife's badge on top & I never even looked at it when I put it on my coat. It probably enhanced my image as he was much better looking!  My wife & I look forward to many more reunions in the future. Thanks for the great web site & the wonderfully pleasant weekend.

It certainly was a Night to Remember!  Even my husband, who knew almost nobody there, had a great time.  He observed that  the West End bunch is a neat group of people.  There was so much love there, thanks to you putting us in touch over the past months.  With emails going back & forth among us, we could hardly wait to see one another.  Never mind the added years & added pounds, everybody looked great to me!  I think every one of us has had a taste of Real Life 101.  Some have experienced divorce.  Some have lost a spouse, a child, a parent.  Some have known business failure & having to start over, like in a bad game of Monopoly.  Some are dealing with health problems.  The reunion this year was not about who drove the most expensive car, but rather how, by the grace of God, we were able to be there.  I kept thinking of that verse in "Amazing Grace,"  ... through many dangers, toils & snares we have already come.  It's grace that brought us safe thus far, & grace will lead us home!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  It had been forty-two years since I moved away from Birmingham, the day after graduation.  I had lost track of all my classmates except my cousins Barbara & Ron Robbins.  Even though my hair has silvered & I became fluffy, it was OK.  All that seemed to matter were the hellos & hugs we received from each other.  I have learned in my life that God, family & friends are more important than any material possession any of us could own.  Don't get me wrong.  Things are nice to have but having a hug from an old friend means so much.  I renewed contacts & plan to keep in touch.  Thank you for making this possible.  The reunion was one of the best experiences I have had.  You may pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.  I hope those who missed this event will read about it & try to come to the next planned event.  One other thing.  After reading Miss Anne Batey's letter I sent her an email telling her that my brother Bill Barnes, Class of '56 also lived in Nashville.  She wrote me back stating that he did not live to far from her.  Well, guess who rang his doorbell?  Miss Batey's assistant brought him out to the car to see her & they had a good visit.  Who would think a 99 year old would go calling on a former student?  Thanks to the WEHS web site & a lot of hard work, you are bringing people together!

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Updated  02/13/25     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here

 Online February 2001     By Cliff Walker     Copyright© 2001