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'Your Memorable Times at Good ol' West End High'

Updated  11/28/24     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here


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WE Girls Lunch Bunch 16 - Page 2

L - Alice Fay Burgin, Shirley Woods, Kay Forrester, Sharon Orr.
R - Shirley Shortnacy, Hostess.

L - Rheta Shortnacy, Hostess. Rheta is an artist.
R - Home of Rheta Shortnacy.

Lunch Bunch 17

Left to Right:  Shirley Shortnacy, Rheta Stortnacy, Patsy Bearden, Alice Faye Burgin, Mary Edna Green, Linda Bryan, Aneda Howard, Linda Cox, Tracy Benton, Paula Moon, Latell Russell, Margo Russell, Kay Ballard, Anita Hall, Nancy Whitlow, Sandra Wood, Jackie Green, Annette Parker, Marie Clarke, Dianna Riddle, Jane Mitchell.

Continue to Lunch Bunch 19, click here

Updated  11/28/24     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here

 Online February 2001     By Cliff Walker     Copyright© 2001