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'Your Memorable Times at Good ol' West End High'

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1960 Classmate Bios - Page 2
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Just discovered your web site. WOW, so many memories rushing back. I have lived in Naples, Fl 26 yrs, after living in Lexington, Kentucky 20 yrs. Was married to Buford Burchfield 15 yrs. Divorced shortly after losing our 3 year-old son. Have a beautiful daughter in Lexington, married now 25 yrs. And two grandsons, 21 and 16. Semi-retired after 20 years in Medical Office Management and Administrator of OP Surgery Center in Naples. I have renewed friendships from WEHS over the internet. Presently, I am hoping to move to Port of the Isles; the beginning of the 10,000 islands South Florida. Very beautiful and fishing is great!

I married shortly after WEHS and moved to New Orleans. I have 2 beautiful daughters, Elizabeth ('62) and Annette ('64). Since that time I have remarried and have been married for 18 years to a wonderful husband, Jorge del Valle, a consultant in the plastics industry. Between us we have 8 grandchildren, all living in Atlanta. We enjoy traveling and have been blessed to take a few trips to Europe. We have lived in Auburn for the past 5 years. We are very involved in our church. Since '98 we have been caring for my mother, who had a stroke. One month ago, at the age of 90, she went to her heavenly home and we miss her very much. It seems an eternity since I was at WEHS and it is refreshing to look back on some of the pictures and remember the "good ole days"!

I have 4 sons and 3 granddaughters. I was a Birmingham stay-at-home mom (having so dang many kids!) until '76. Got my MA from U of Alabama and have been a Special Ed teacher for 21 yrs. I'm single again and living in Southside on the outskirts of Gadsden. I bought a house in Gatlinburg 2 yrs ago and get up there as often as possible. Looking forward to retiring in 4 yrs. I love to travel! Remember having classes in the basement of WEHS? I haven't kept in contact with anyone from school except Susan Clemmons.

(deceased) - Phillip went to Auburn after WEHS and became an avid fan for the rest of his life. In '64, he graduated with a business degree, moved to Montgomery and started a business career in management with Sears. He encouraged me to stay in school and get my RN, though we had to live separately with me in Birmingham. The Army got him in '66 and to become the best he could, he went to OCS (our favorite movie was "An Officer and A Gentleman"). Phillip became a company commander in Vietnam while I stayed home and had our first son. According to him all he did was tour old temples, visit the Montagnards, plan beach parties and sporting events for his men. He came home with a Bronze Star. In '69, after the Army, we settled in Hueytown where he became a management trainee for US Steel Mining Co. After 4 years we finally settled down together and had 2 more sons. Phillip worked in the mines for 20 years and for part of that time, was their mine rescue trainer. Once, after an explosion, he was the first in to start pulling people out. After leaving the mines, he worked for a foundry for 3 years before finishing his work career as Risk Manager for Jefferson Co Public Health Dept. Phillip never outgrew Central Park or West End. He loved them both and the friends he made there. Anyone that would listen was given detailed stories of the escapades he was a part of there. Phillip loved sports and being out of doors: ball (of any sort), hiking, camping, canoeing and bicycling. He was an exciting person to be around (sometimes a little too exciting). He lived his beliefs and tried to get those around him to live theirs: 1. Don't play games with other peoples lives. 2. Help those weaker than you. 3. Pay your dues. The one word I have heard repeatedly since Phillip's death is "Hero". These tributes have come from the highly successful and the not so fortunate.

- After WEHS, went to Auburn, Delta Chi Fraternity and majored in Adv Design. Married Jenny Sheffield and had 2 daughters, Kelli and Lori. Kelli has 2 boys and they are wonderful grandchildren. Lori just finished her masters in education and may teach or take over and run my State Farm Insurance Office. She has finished her Staff Licenses. I have the perfect family and life and God has blessed me along the way. I have so many of the old classmates insured and get to see a lot of them often. Jenny has helped me run the business and without her I would have been a beach bum or a hermit, fishing bass tournaments or playing pro golf. She is the greatest wife. A lot of the Munger Gang still hang together: Bates, Perrin, Ellis, Daniels, Tipton, Timmons, Porter, Dan King (my older brother). We used to have fishing contests and they named it King's Bowl. Contact me if you would like to be in the next one!

Married Martha McCarter in '60, 41 yrs this fall. I graduated U of Alabama in '64. BS Chemistry. Martha got a PhT (put husband through). Have 3 children, all married, all graduated college, 5 grandchildren. I work for Miller and Company, VP Southern Division. I am responsible for sales of raw materials to the Steel and Foundry Industry in 26 states and Mexico. Yes, I travel a bit. Go Lions!

I graduated from Auburn in '64, worked for Alabama Power for a couple of years, then spent 12 years in the USAF as a pilot. I retired from the AF Reserve as a Lt Col and live in the Chicago area. Hoping to hear from some of you!

(deceased) - After graduating, I went to Howard College and was in the first graduating class under the new name of Samford U. During college I got more interested in music and met Jon Blouin in the a cappella choir. We have been married for 38 yrs and have 3 grown daughters (35, 31, 30). Our youngest was Miss Mississippi in '94. We thought they would never get married, but 1 did in '99 and another will this July. We have just experienced our first grandchild. WOW! We live in Sumner, MS, where Jon is pastor of the First Baptist Church. After 40 yrs in the music ministry, he somehow got in the pastorate - God has quite a sense of humor. I teach intellectually gifted kids at the local school (have taught for 31 yrs) and love doing that. However, I am greatly looking forward to retirement in a couple of yrs (if the stock market doesn't eat all our retirement before then). I've done a good bit of theatre and I still sing a lot, but don't sound as good - guess I'm getting old. My best memories of WEHS was being secretary of the student body, being so-o-o in love with Bailey Dickinson, sorority spend the night parties, going to the zoo on graduation night to see who was there, and drinking beer - oooh, bad boys!

I attended U of Montevallo and graduated from the U of Alabama in '64. I married Carol Nemeth (Ensley, '63) in '66 and have 2 wonderful children, John (31) who lives in Tampa FL and Audrey (29) who lives nearby. We have 3 grandchildren plus another on the way. After school, I worked in Birmingham until '77, then moved to Lynchburg VA (loved the mountains) and in '84 moved to Smiths Station, AL, across the river from Columbus, GA. I work at Intermet Corp as Dir of Information Technology and recently completed 30 years with the company.

After WEHS, I enlisted in the USAF and made a 30-year career of it, attaining the rank of Chief Master Sgt (E-9). I met and married Susie Mehnert of Champaign IL. We have 3 children, 2 daughters and a son (all exceptional) and 4 grandchildren: Katie, Hannah, Megan and Mariah. Our 2 daughters, Cindy and Dinah live in Newark OH where we retired. My son, Sean lives on a mountaintop in TN. Our family moved 27 times, 5 years in Hawaii, 4 in Alaska and 3 in Spain. The last 3 years in the AF I traveled extensively as USAF Chief of the Evaluation and Certification Office to East and West Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, Japan, Korea, Greece, Turkey and many CONUS locales. I am now employed at Wyle Laboratories, operators of the USAF Primary Standards Lab, as the chief of Quality Assurance Office in Heath OH. Susie and I have been bitten by the genealogy bug and have traced several of our lines to the early 1400 and 1500s. I have learned more about history from our new undertaking than I ever learned in school. Genealogy makes it personal. You can find me on our sailboat “Quality Time” whenever the wind is up. A memorable moment I must share. On my last evaluation swing through Europe I was auditing the AF Lab in W Berlin. From Checkpoint Charlie, our team entered the eastern sector to shop and have dinner. We noticed a large crowd milling about the main square, but we passed without incident, only to find that we had walked through the first demonstration for a democratic form of government in E Berlin. A few months later the Berlin Wall came down. I remember that we emptied the school after making esters in Mr Baughan’s Chemistry class. Boy did they stink! And once in Mr Evan’s electricity class, the door handle was wired to a model “T” ignition coil to shock the office girls as they delivered the morning report. And the dime glued to the floor to see who would try to pick it up. In Physics, I once stood on 2 milk bottles with my hand on the top of the Van de Graf generator and my hair stood on end and the fluorescent lamp I held glowed. If my memory serves me correctly, Judy Crowe walked by and I shocked her on the butt. Based on what I learned in Chemistry, I once built a rocket (little did I know I had built a stick of dynamite with a short fuse. The “Creosote Plant” sawdust piles was our launch pad. We set-up the rocket and lit the fuse, but it went out. I climbed back over the sawdust pile and re-lit the fuse, causing a big explosion that blew me over. We found pieces of the “rocket” a half mile away. I have fond memories of Ms Davis and the chorus.

- (deceased) - Married Ralph Lyles in '60, 41 yrs this fall. He graduated U of Alabama in '64. BS Chemistry. I got a PhT (put husband through). Have 3 children, all married, all graduated college, 5 grandchildren. Ralph works for Miller and Company, VP Southern Division. He is responsible for sales of raw materials to the Steel and Foundry Industry in 26 states and Mexico. He travels a bit. Go Lions!

SANDRA McCORD - I was married to (Big) Jerry Thomas for 20 years and have 2 wonderful children. I got my teaching degree in '80 and have been teaching middle school since. I teach world history and reading at a semi-rural school and have a wonderful team of teachers to work with. However, I hope to retire in about 3 years. 25 years is a long time. I have lived and raised my children in Baton Rouge, LA, since '78. My son, Rick, his wife, Bridgett, and my 3 precious grandchildren, Amanda (9), Ashley (7) and Mitchell (3), live in Houma, LA, about an hour and a half away. It is wonderful to have them so close. Rick is a radiologist and Bridgett is a pathologist. She has retired early to be home with the children. I am very proud of them. Jenny, my baby, has only been married 2 years. She and her husband, Dave, lived in San Ramone CA, until about 6 months ago, when they moved to New Orleans, only about an hour away. I was delighted, of course. Jenny and I are best of friends. Both she and Dave are CPAs and work for Stewart Enterprises in New Orleans. They have no children yet, but have a very special dog, Cali. Obviously I am very proud of them too. I have been blessed with wonderful children and many good friends and colleagues. Since my parents died over 20 years ago, they have been my family. I would love to hear from you all about your families, careers, etc. I heard that the reunion was a great success. My thoughts were with you all.

DIANE McGINTY - After graduation, I went to Birmingham Southern for a while, got married, moved to Hoover and had 2 children. I went back to school at UAB, divorced, and eventually graduated in '92 from the U of Alabama. I was a slow learner! I went to work for Chemical Waste Management in Emelle, AL, promoted and moved to Memphis, then later to Houston. Eventually went to work for the parent company, Waste Management, in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, LA. Due to a "reduction in workforce", I left WM, then my son and I designed and built a convenience store/deli on a shortcut to the Silverstar casino in (would you believe?) Emelle AL. We owned and operated it until Sept of '00, then gave up. It was killing us all. Took an opening with Waste Management in Gulfport MS in Feb and just love it! 2 blocks from the beach, wonderful job and good people. I am the Safety Manager for 7 sites over South Miss. with lots of travel, but I enjoy it. My son still lives in Emelle, is engaged. My daughter lives in Hoover, married and I have a granddaughter Amanda, who is Grandmother's precious baby.

I retired from BellSouth Corporation in '98 and moved from Atlanta to Mobile. I have a part time consulting practice that provides financial management and marketing services to small/medium businesses. I have 3 children, 8 grandchildren. Last night, I had fried shrimp at a little restaurant on Mobile Bay at the mouth of Dog River - the good life!

I joined the USAF and served in Hawaii during the Viet Nam war. I attended the U of Hawaii and Montevallo. I have a daughter, Sharon, who is married with a son, Caleb 6. I have worked in engineering with several companies around Birmingham and am currently with US Pipe. I met Judy Barnett at Metropolitan Church of God when we were both single and hurting. We feel God gifted us with each other and have been married now for 15 years. We are very involved in ministry at our Church, where I am an elder. We love being with family and friends, boating, fishing, hunting and something we call it junking. We get up early on week-ends and prowl flea markets, antique shops and garage sales, always looking for that neat and unusual find. We are looking forward to retirement some time in the next few years!

It's great to hear from "old" friends and read what classmates have been doing these last 4 decades. I earned an Elem. Ed. Degree from Howard College and started teaching in Jefferson Co Schools. I met Bob Coats my senior year and married him Jan 1, '66 (he never forgets our anniversary). I worked toward my Master's at Samford and taught until our son Bobby was born in '68. Bob worked for IBM (I've Been Moved) so we went to the Chicago area (Naperville) in '69. Our daughter, Betsy, was born there. After 3 years we moved to the Akron OH area (North Canton) and then to our present home in Marietta GA 27 years ago. I was a stay-at-home mom until our children went away to college (Samford and Auburn). When Bob retired from IBM 10 years ago I started a part time job at our local public library (retired in '99). Both of our children are married and live in the Birmingham area. We have 2 grandchildren so far. Bob loves to fly and is Atlanta One Squadron Commander in the GA Civil Air Patrol. I haven't used my degrees in education professionally for 34 years, but I have accumulated a number of titles which are very important to me: Wife, Mom, Baptist Women's President, Church Librarian, Homemaker, Sunday School Teacher, Soup Kitchen Volunteer, Girl Scout Leader, Public Library clerk, Mother in Law and best of all, Maw Maw! Now if any of you remember the chubby little girl with dimples at Jackson, look for her at the reunion. She's a Maw Maw now and gives great hugs! I remember that there were teachers who made life long impressions. Some of the older teachers had "bat wings" on their arms that would flap back and forth when they wrote on the board. I said, "I'll never have arms like that." Never say Never. There was Miss Praytor, who had a rubber tree plant in her classroom. Some people said she thought it was her mother reincarnated. Really? One semester I had one of the Coaches, Short or Mitchell, for English (Shakespeare), but I love Shakespeare anyway. Go figure! And finally, I can't forget the enthusiasm and dedication that Ms Sophia Davis always had for her music programs and students. I loved her! And by the way, speaking of love, Sue Mann said that she was so in love with Bailey Dickinson in high school. Well, I had first dibs on him in 2nd grade and I have a mushy letter to prove it!

I have been married 38 yrs and have 4 sons, 7 grandchildren. Quit my job as Business Manager from WZZK Radio 2 yrs ago to travel with my husband. Having a blast doing that. We moved to Alabaster 5 months ago. Prior to that, we lived in the Birmingham area in Jefferson and Shelby counties.

CHARLIE PATTERSON - I married Ann Morris ('61) in '65 after we both finished Auburn. After 35 years of service, I retired from GA Power Company in Feb'00 and we presently live in the Atlanta area. Our daughter Dana and her family live about 30 min from us and our son Alan and his wife live in Dublin, GA. Ann enjoys tennis, while I stay active with running, swimming and biking. We both enjoy our 5 year old granddaughter. We also are busy with church and community commitments.

Worked in Lake Charles LA, Pittsburgh, Puerto Rico, Thailand and now Hong Kong. I have 2 children, both in CA. Jamey is just graduating from Berkeley in Mechanical Engineering and Allison just got married and working in Santa Rosa. No grandchildren yet. I'm single again for the past 8 years. My ex and I still get along. Looking forward to retirement shortly and maybe moving back to the gulf coast. I still keep in contact with Richard "Butch" Timmons who just spent 2 weeks with me in Hong Kong. I occasionally see Damon Tompkins, Wayne and Dan King, although I don't get back to Birmingham often since my parents passed away. I remember that Timmons gives me a hard time since I don't remember very much about high school. It is a blur for me. Working in the cafeteria and socializing with everyone coming through the line. The smells and explosions in Mr. Baughan's Chemistry class. The drive in movie theaters and Constantine's. Working on my old car.

- (deceased) - After graduation, Jane Wise (class of '62) and I got married in '61. It will be 40 years in Dec. I got a job selling cars in Birmingham shortly after graduation. In '72 I received a promotion and transferred to NC. I eventually purchased my own car dealership in Raleigh which I kept for 7 years until selling it and retiring to Wrightsville Beach NC in '91. I now have ownership in 3 other car dealerships in Rockingham NC. Our 2 sons Clint (37) and Todd(31) also own and operate 2 of these. Jane and I have 5 grandchildren with one on the way.

Mary Helen Snyder ('61) and I have been married for 42 years and live in Townley in Walker County. We have 4 grown children - LaRee, Chuck, Lisa and Sonya. We also have 4 grandchildren - Jeremy, whom we lost when he was 10 years old in '89; Krista, who is attending the U of Alabama; Jeffery and Kaitlyn, who both attend Curry School outside Jasper city limits. I retired in February '00 due to health reasons. Mary Helen works at Townley Jr. High in the office. We nope to hear from some of our friends, if you still remember us. Please email us!

After WEHS, I attended U of Alabama and graduated in '64 with a BS in Microbiology. I married in '62 and had 3 sons, one of which is now married, and a granddaughter who is just like me. Divorced after 21 yrs, am still free and loving it. I started my career at Sou Research Inst in B’ham doing cancer research and was lucky to perform some of the tests on the first medications to be used in combination to combat cancer. I spent 30 yrs at UAB in research and have worked on some amazing projects with some very brilliant doctors. The last 2 yrs I worked at UAB on a team of scientists and engineers who designed and tested space flight hardware for the Protein Crystal Project at UAB for NASA. We grew crystals in space and I helped train the astronauts for scientific missions and loaded the flight hardware for the shuttle launch. I also coordinated visits and arranged experiments from foreign scientists. NASA downsized scientific space flights when they began the Int’l Space Station and my job was eliminated. So I got my Master's in Agency Counseling and founded and now direct a family counseling agency in B’ham called A Family Place, working with disadvantaged children and families in distress. It is my passion and I love working with the children who have been neglected and abused. If you are retired and need something to do, I can always put you to work with these children. They need love and attention. I remember the Delta Phi Delta sorority "galloping breakfasts", the band bus rides to football games and the sock-hops at Boutwell Auditorium after the games. I remember walking the railroad tracks to play softball at Woodward Park and Blessed Sacrament with Sara Jo Landman and Donna Tompkins and playing on the boxcars. I remember watching Dianne and Carlton Cook practice for hours with their dad on the tennis courts. My cousin, Linda Barnes, lived next door to me and we were always into something. She was prim and proper and I was the tomboy playing sports. I remember Bobby Stewart, my first "boyfriend" at Lee, who moved to TX and became one of the first astronauts to take an untethered walk in space. I have many fond memories of school days at WEHS. 

JOAN SAMUEL - I married Joe Roberson '61. Graduated from Samford with a BS degree in Business Administration and work at the Hoover Public Library as a reference librarian. We have a son, Timothy, a senior at U of Alabama. Joe and I did not know each other at WEHS. We were introduced by his sister in the '70s when he was transferred to Birmingham from Austin TX with the Secret Service.

I worked at Alabama PBS-TV in B’ham prior to moving to commercial TV in Albany GA ('60-6'2). I also worked at the YMCA coaching a judo team in Albany. Coach Harold Tinney taught Hornsby Morgan and myself enough stuff about judo which allowed us to get YMCA scholarships to attend college for four years in Houston TX (yes, Bama and Auburn missed the dynamic duo!) I married Peggy Baumeister, John Carroll '60, in '62 and we moved to Houston. Graduated from the U of Houston with a Bachelor of Science degree, Magnum Come Lately. I do remember U of H beating Bama and Auburn a few times in football, sorry about that. I tried law school for one year but could not take the lawyer jokes and decided to let my son be the first attorney in the family. He graduated from UT and S Texas College of Law. He and his wife practice law in Dallas. They graced us with a beautiful granddaughter in ‘01, our one and only. I spent most of my career involved in labor relations and was an Ombudsman for the Houston ISD for the past 8 years. Peggy is an Exec Asst to the Chief Human Resources Officer at MD Anderson Cancer Center. We stay in touch with all of our friends and family living in AL and still love all you WEHSchoolers! We still go bopping in PC at the Hangout - just ask Damon or Pierre. I could tell a lot of stories about my days at WEHS. Many of the x-students are alive and kicking so discretion is the better part of valor. However, all those stories are true about ratting freshmen (John Tankersley), Elmwood Cemetery (Jack Porter), water balloons on Cotton Avenue (Pierre), the Munger Ave Gang (Wayne King), the dirty dozen and one (Johnny Mac Brown), Mickwees’ beer in the alley for students (Hugh Morgan), clean fights in the hall (Hornsby Morgan), Harrison Park Marines (Bill Bradshaw), holes in the locker room walls (Ralph Lyles), bop-til-you-drop (Damon Tomkins), King’s Bowl Championship (Johnny Tipton), free food in the lunch line (Jim Porter), Holiday Beach water aerobics (Jean Kent), bats in assembly hall (Dan King), "What game am I in?" (Billy Frame), "You mean we have a game?" (Bill Rinks), sorority dance savior (Jean Burton), Bessemer Park dances and brawls, "Don’t ever ride your motorcycle on Princeton Ave." (Ronnie Stubbs), "Pleaseee, copy your notebook for me." (Brent Evers), "When are you going to graduate?" (my wife). God bless all the teachers and graduates of WEHS that have gone before us and this web site to express our precious history together. Will see you at the next dance. Go Lions!

I joined the Air Force after graduating from West End and married Pat Ferguson (class of May 61’) in January 64’. I retired from the USAF in '80 and took my first college course at the age of 39 graduating from Troy University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting in 1983. I worked at MAX Credit Union for 25 years and retired in April 10’ as Vice President Internal Audit. We enjoy traveling especially cruising. We have 3 children: Donna, Donnie and Stacey. Our favorite past-time is spending time with our eight grandchildren ranging in age from 12 to 25 as of January 2022.   I remember playing football for the Lions and finally won a starting position at right guard in my senior year thanks to Coaches Short, Roy, and Mitchell having confidence in me. I played alongside John Milner, Tommy Scarborough, Phillip Kelley, Charles Howard, Charles Jacobs, Harold Hicks, Walter Reese, Johnny Tipton, Jerry White, Charles Jacobs, Tommy Thomas, Johnny Tipton and Rusty Fulbright. Kelley, White, Fulbright, and myself graduated from Central Park Grammar School. Since all the teachers seated their students alphabetically, I always sat near Rosemary Young, Virginia Wright, Billy Joe Ulmer, Ruth Waters, Jerry White, Linda West, Joan Samuel, Susie Vines and Larry Vincent. We always had a great time in class and it is a wonder we passed any of our subjects! I appreciate my brother, Cliff, building this website allowing all of us to relive wonderful memories of our youth and to keep in touch with each other.

It surely doesn't seem like 41 yrs since I graduated from WEHS. A year after I finished, I married Dexter Burdeshaw, Class of ‘54. That was the best decision I ever made. We have been extremely happy for the last 40+ yrs. We moved to Huntsville shortly after we married, had 2 sons and moved on to Houston TX. Our 2 daughters were born in TX. Then we moved to Los Angeles, back to Houston, then on to Dayton OH. In ‘78, we moved to Warner Robins GA and in ‘87 to Macon GA where we have been ever since. I married a "rocket scientist" so that accounts for all the moves. Our 4 children live in CO, NC, ID and GA. We have 7++ grandchildren (a boy is on the way and a girl is waiting to be adopted). After first being a "stay-at-home Mom", I finished college at age 37 with a degree in nursing. While I don't currently practice, I still retain my license. For the past 9 yrs, I have been demonstrating spinning (on a spinning wheel) at State of GA historical sites and parks, as well as schools. As a passionate knitter for 40 yrs, I design sweaters, afghans and knitted items. As a spinner, I of course, use some of my own yarn in my knitting. We now live in Idaho. Update -
I moved to Idaho in 2009 and love it. I now have 11 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. I finally retired from nursing and am now doing whatever I want to do. I hope everyone has a good time at the upcoming picnic.

Married 38 yrs to Royce Gable. 3 wonderful children and 3 wonderful grandchildren. I was a stay-at-home mom until 11 yrs ago when I took a job as
administrative assistant at the AL School of Fine Arts Foundation in B’ham. Royce and I traveled extensively on by motorcycle until involved in an accident and give it up. We sold our home in Forestdale where we raised our family and moved to Vestavia several yrs ago.
My husband Royce passed away in Oct '05 after a 3 week bout with lung cancer. Getting used to living alone after 43 years has been a real challenge. I am still working at the AL School of Fine Arts and love my job, however, I am looking forward to retirement in the near future. I now have 5 grandchildren, 4 boys and 1 beautiful granddaughter. I remained in our home in Vestavia where I have been for 11 yrs. I have such fond memories of living in West End and all the fun it was to be able to walk to the grocery, the movie, the library, school and friend’s houses.

I lived in Inverness, N Shelby Co, most of my adult life. I have 1 daughter, Buffi, who is 31 yrs old. I was a stay at home mom and did a lot of volunteer work through the yrs. I am very proud that I helped to get the first LifePac for the N Shelby Co Fire Dept. I also worked for several yrs with the AL Symphony on the decorator show houses. I have been divorced 9 yrs and in ‘95 bought a home on the main channel of Logan Martin Lake. It is in the Alpine Bay and Clear Creek area. I have totally remodeled the house and spend many hours in my gardens. I have been involved in AL politics for many yrs and have worked on several campaigns. I now work for the State of AL as a voter registrar for Talladega Co. I have been very fortunate to do a lot of traveling and this past Memorial Day had the great experience of riding in “Rolling Thunder “, the Run to the Wall, in Washington DC along with over 150,000 other bikers. I have to tell a good one on my sister. One night we had her convertible out and went to Constantine's. She got a piece of lemon ice box pie and did not eat it. I asked her what she was going to do with it and she told me I would see. Well, we drove to Green Alley and she let someone have it in the face. I wish I knew who it was. She never told me. Also, I remember when some of us would sneak off to Panama City, have a great time getting sunburned and bopping all Sunday afternoon at the hang out. Of course we were spending the weekend with a very trusted classmate. What fun until we got caught!

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Updated  02/13/25     Email  weonline@westendhigh.com     Contact Me  Here

 Online February 2001     By Cliff Walker     Copyright© 2001